Friday, November 13, 2009

Daphne from Eggheads/CJ's family help? What can we do, they say he offended people again?

I didn't see it tonight, but friends say CJ made a comment about a team "we trashed recently". I didn't believe it, but others do. We must save his good name.

Daphne from Eggheads/CJ's family help? What can we do, they say he offended people again?
cj is arrogant and obnoxious, why you would want to defend him, i cant imagine
Reply:I think CJ from Eggheads is a robot.,a gay robot. His eyes don't look real... Report It

Reply:He needs to be put down, literally.. Report It

Reply:I think CJ from Eggheads is a robot.,a gay robot. His eyes don't look real... Report It

Reply:cj arrrrghhhhhhhhhhhhh if i see him id give him a slap e is one person who reali reali gives me the hmp e is rude arrogent and gay and a complete prat
Reply:I watched it... he said it! lol
Reply:Did you know his name is Connagh-Joseph
Reply:I agree with all the previous answers, but there is something compelling about him, yes? And he's offended people for five years, so I don't suppose he's going to change now.
Reply:Cant stand the guy.....not so keen on Judith either, but Daphne %26amp; the 2 other guys are good.
Reply:I find him to be an extremely rude and arrogant man. Why would you want to save his good name? What good name?
Reply:I think you'll find he said THRASHED not trashed.
Reply:They should axe CJ he is so arrogant I can't stand him.

Judith is the best she is so down to earth and the train spotter bloke is ok too
Reply:You would need to remove him from his own a**** first.

Eggheads is a fix anyway - they already have the answers


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